Sunday 11 August 2013

Pre-School Help

I have been trawling through my home computer finding all sorts of gems I had forgotten about. I have found some complete and some incomplete resources which will take me a while to sort out, but hopefully this blog will be motivation enough to do that!

I have found some social stories which will hopefully be useful and also some play scripts. Play scripts are simple scripted play routines which can be acted out and taught to children. This is very useful for children on the autistic spectrum or children with social communication difficulties or a language delay. I will go into more detail about play scripts in a future post as they are so very exciting and I want to dedicate a decent amount of time to them.

So, what have I found to share with you this evening? Well, for my first offering to you dear reader I thought a 'preparing for pre-school' story would be a perfect place to start. We are in August at the moment and as I write there are families all over the country preparing their little ones for their first big step into the world of education.

Although my first blog post had mentioned social stories, just to confuse matters, this is most definitely NOT a social story. It was written for a little boy who was anxious about starting pre-school, (he was eventually diagnosed with an Autistic spectrum condition but not at the time this was written). It doesn't follow the social story rules (again, another post that I must dedicate more time to) but it did meet the needs of the child at the time which, for me, is the most important thing.

Going to play school


Mummy drives me to play school in the car


This is Tina. Tina looks after me at play school when Mummy leaves.


Tina and I wave bye-bye to Mummy through the window. Mummy will be back later. Mummy will always come back.


There are lots of toys at play school. The toys are for all of the children to play with. I can play with the toys.


When I have played with the toys for a while it is snack time. I can have snack and then go back and play some more.


After I have played and had some snack, Mummy comes to collect me.
Play school is now finished.


Mummy and I go back home in the car.


It can be changed as much or as little as you see fit. I wrote it and drew the pictures so I am happy for the story to be used as needed. The story is simple, descriptive and reassuring. I often think it is important to use names in stories so that the child owns the story and relates to it personally. The key workers name is in the story and I would often also use the name of the child in the story too (often in the title) so it is 'their' book.

I hope you find this useful, any feedback and comments about how this blog can continue to support and help will be greatly received.

Happy story making!


Starting Blogging - My Bright Idea

Hi there, my name is Julie and I am a Portage Home Visitor I work in Hampshire and deeply love what I do.
Recently I had an idea. I have been working in the field of learning disabilities for 17 years now and over that time I have collected a lot of resources and acquired a lot of random songs and games which have all worked really well. This blog aims to share them with you. Being a Portage home visitor, families are at the heart of everything I do, sharing these resources with families in this format feels the right thing to do.

During my time working within early years services, I have drawn, made and created lots of things for individual children and families. I had a light bulb moment during a visit to a local pre-school recently where I noticed they had a picture of mine up on their visual timetable. I had never visited this pre-school and the picture in question was from a social story I had written for a little boy over 12 years previously for a different setting. I was so chuffed that a picture I had drawn to help one little boy over a decade before was still useful and being used for children now. I have often thought about blogging, but have never really thought I have much to say, until now. I have years of songs games and resources stuck in my head that I can share, and the joy of a blog is that people can dip in and out and choose what is useful for them.
My grand plan will be to share social stories, play scripts, songs and games with you all. Hopefully if my technological brain will allow I will upload videos and audio files to share these ideas more productively, but be patient with me!

For starters I'll leave you with a link to Carol Gray's website about social stories, they are such a powerful tool when working with children on the Autistic Spectrum and children with social communication difficulties.